Thursday, January 3, 2013

Movies in My Spare Time: Les Mis

Les Misérables

Les Misérables, Where to start... Well I loved it but it's Les Mis so I knew I would love it going into to it but what I didn't know was that there would be so much stuff I didn't quite love. 
The first being the amount unnecessary changes to lyrics believe me I know there were many changes that were necessary but there were some that were not. And when they added lyrics that were not in the original show even someone who wasn't familiar with the show could tell because it was not the same rhythm as style as the rest of the show. 
The songs however were sung stupendously except for the case of Marius. His tone was not suited for the part and he was not the best Marius I have seen and I think it was a poor casting choice on there part. When the Marius in my high school's production is better than a movie Marius you have a problem.
On the other hand I think Anne Hathaway did an amazing job as Fantine. The one shot of I Dreamed a Dreamed was moving and I couldn't see it being done any other way.
The talent on this set was amazing to beable to sing live and turn out such an amazing production. I give it 3 out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Good job with these MYSTS, Teri. Make sure you do your 1975 movie post!
