Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mobius 1975

Our 1975 movie is Möbius  a story that takes place both in the past and the future. It is s story of a young man played by Robert  Deniro and his two friends played by Peter Fonda and Sygorni Weaver all are very popular actor in the 1970's It is directed by the director of the godfather Coppala and the cinimatographer also from the godfather Gordon Willis. Our studio would be paramount because they desitibuted coppalas other films. This film is very 70's because there is drug use and mature content. There is also not really a heros hero  the main carachters make lots of unwise decsions. There is also a lack of a real plot similar to Easy Rider. The rating would be rated R for violence drug use and mature content.

1 comment:

  1. Much more explanation necessary. More plot, characters, more info about the personnel, etc.
