Monday, October 22, 2012

MYST: Captain America..... 4/5 Supernovas


I have to admit I didn't know what expect going in to this film. I saw the Avengers first which did make watching this more confusing and made the Avengers less. But over all I'm really happy with this movie.
          The movie centers around Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)a small boy from Brooklyn with many, many, many health problems who is determined to help in World War II. He is found by Dr Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci) who chose him to become the worlds first successful super soldier. Along the way to defeating the Nazi division, Hydra and its new super weapon Rogers falls for the amazing Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell).
I was scared going into this movie because I don't tend to like warish movies. But the fights scenes were just long enough to keep my interest in the movie. I also think that they used some type of filter over the film to give it an older feel. One thing I did not like at all was the make up or CG or what ever it was on the the main villain of the movie it look fake and it was hard for me to believe.

Over all I really liked it, the story was really compelling and there was just enough of violence, I give it 4 out of 5 Supernovas!   


  1. It definitely would be interesting to watch this film after seeing Avengers, since the latter really builds on what Captain America set up. I liked how this film did a nice job of combining the war and comic book genres. I agree with what you said about Red Skull. His appearance may be distracting, but I really enjoyed Hugo Weaving's performance as the character. Overall, I'd say this was one of the weaker tie-in movies to the Avengers, but it's still a highly enjoyable movie.

  2. This is really interesting, since I've seen the Avengers, too, but I haven't seen this movie. I also didn't know Stanley Tucci and Hugo Weaving were in this. They're both really great actors and would definitely add some depth to the movie. I did hear something similar to what Will said about it being one of the weaker tie-in movies to Avengers. However, it does sound like it's still worth it.

  3. Good job with these Reviews. I like how interactive and visually appealing they are. Try to pack a little more in though; focus on the camerawork, or lighting, or other cinematic elements. Keep going.
